Short post today but I wanted to show everyone how you can spy on and see all the articles with top views. You can either do a general search or be keyword specific. This can help you determine what keywords to target when writing articles for your niche. We want to maximize the amount of traffic we can pull from our articles so we might as well see some of the top producing articles in action.
This is the code that we will be using, "This article has been viewed 2000..199999" "Article Submitted On: * *, 2011"
Enter this search string into Google and this will pull up all the articles on ezine that have over 2000 article views. If you want to be more specific by targeting a specific keyword you will need to enter the keyword first then a space, then the search string. Like this,
Dating "This article has been viewed 2000..199999" "Article Submitted On: * *, 2011"
This will bring up all the top producing articles in the dating niche. We can also modify this search string where you can narrow down the search results by article views. Change the 2000 number to a higher number, say 10000 views or more. This way you will only see articles that have some serious traffic. You can also change the date if you want to expand beyond the current year.
This method of spying can show you which long tail articles to target in your niche plus how you can write eye catching titles that will get visitors to click on your article. We all want as many visitors as possible and this is one of the best ways of boosting the production out of our articles.
This entry was posted on Thursday, 2 June 2011 at Thursday, June 02, 2011 and is filed under article,article spying,ezine,ezine article. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response.
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